Mozilla wants to solve the problem with disabled add-ons.
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The new Tor browser version solves an issue in Mozilla's add-on signing platform
The new version offers new features, improvements and fixes.
With the release of the new Chrome version 74.0.3729.108 the Google developers remove again several security gaps in the Browser. In addition, Chrome now blocks pop-ups that appear when you leave a page.
Microsoft is terminating support for certain Windows 10 versions. Users should update their system immediately. We show how it works.
Opera brings fresh new features that competing browsers do not offer.
Download the in-development version from the Microsoft Edge Insider website.
The cleaning of data leftovers from the Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge browsers were enhanced.
Mozilla is working on a sessions based tabbed browsing functionality for Android.
Microsoft adds tamper-protection feature to stop malware from switching off Microsoft Defender features