The best keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10 and 11
These shortcuts allow you to complete many tasks more quickly.

Windows 10 and 11: The best keyboard shortcuts that hardly anyone uses
Unlocking Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows: A Game-Changer for Productivity!
Most people rely on their mouse to navigate Windows, but did you know that your keyboard can speed things up dramatically? With the right shortcuts, you can zip through tasks like a pro!
Of course, everyone knows the classics—Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V for copying and pasting. But Windows has a whole arsenal of lesser-known shortcuts that can make your life easier. While you don’t need to memorize all of them, a few can be real game-changers. Let’s dive into some of the best ones!
- The Secret Weapon: The Context Menu Key Ever noticed that mysterious key between Alt Gr and Ctrl on your keyboard? That’s the Context Menu Key, and it’s a hidden gem! Instead of right-clicking to open a file’s properties, just tap this key and voilà—instant access to the menu.
This is especially handy while typing, as you don’t need to lift your right hand off the keyboard. Plus, you can navigate menu options even faster by pressing the underlined letter of the function you want to use. Just keep in mind that many laptops ditch this key to save space.
- Lightning-Fast File Explorer Access If you work with files often, this shortcut is a must-know: Windows + E. Pressing this combo instantly launches File Explorer, taking you straight to the “This PC” view. From here, you can quickly access your documents, images, videos, hard drives, or network locations without clicking through endless menus.
Give these shortcuts a try, and you’ll be amazed at how much smoother your Windows experience becomes! Stay tuned for more hidden gems in the world of keyboard shortcuts. 🚀
Quick Access to Windows Settings 🔧 Need to tweak something in Windows? Instead of clicking through menus, just press Windows + I to instantly open the Settings app. Think of the "I" as standing for "Info Center"—a simple trick to help you remember!
Emojis at Your Fingertips 😍🎉🔥 Who says emojis are just for phones? You can use them in Word, Outlook, or anywhere you type on your PC! Just press Windows + . (period) to open an emoji picker right at your cursor. This works just like on WhatsApp or Signal, making your messages way more expressive in just a click! 🎯🎈
Clipboard Superpowers 📋⚡ Ever copied something only to realize you lost it after copying something else? Not anymore! Since Windows 10 (version 1809), you can store multiple copied items. Press Windows + V to bring up your clipboard history and pick what you want to paste—no more accidental lost text!
Heads-up: If it’s not working, activate it in Settings > System > Clipboard > Clipboard History. Easy to remember—V for "Vault" of copied items!
- Master Multitasking with Windows + Tab 🚀 Press Windows + Tab, and boom! You get a bird’s-eye view of all open apps. No more frantic Alt-Tabbing to find what you need.
Even cooler? This shortcut also opens the Timeline, showing recently used files and websites, so you can pick up where you left off in a snap!
- The Fastest Way to Close an App 💨❌ Need to close a program in an instant? Just hit Alt + F4, and poof—it’s gone! No extra clicks, no hunting for the tiny "X" in the corner. If you have unsaved work, Windows will give you a chance to save it before closing.
But wait, there’s more! On the desktop, this shortcut pulls up the Shut Down menu, letting you shut down, restart, or put your PC to sleep in just a few keystrokes. Want to get to the desktop fast? Press Windows + D to instantly minimize all open windows—perfect for when your boss walks in unexpectedly. (Press it again to bring everything back!)
- Make Web Pages Easier to Read 🔍🔎 Struggling with tiny text on a website? No problem! Use Ctrl + Plus (+) to zoom in and make everything bigger, or Ctrl + Minus (-) to shrink it back down. Want to reset to the default size? Ctrl + 0 has your back.
Bonus: This trick also works in many other apps, and you can hold Ctrl while scrolling your mouse wheel to zoom in and out smoothly!
- Capture Your Screen Like a Pro 📸🖥️ Taking screenshots has never been easier! Press Windows + Print Screen, and Windows saves a full-screen snapshot automatically in your Pictures > Screenshots folder.
Want more control? Use Windows + Shift + S to select just a portion of the screen. Draw a box around what you need, and it’s copied to your clipboard, ready for pasting. This same feature is also available in the "Snip & Sketch" app. No more struggling with clunky screenshot tools!
- The Secret Quick Start Menu 🚀🔧 Did you know Windows has a hidden power menu? Instead of digging through settings, just right-click the Windows Start button or press Windows + X to unlock a menu full of shortcuts to essential tools—like Task Manager, Device Manager, and Disk Management.
It's like having a backstage pass to Windows! 🎟️🔑