New 4.1.6 offers performance improvements and more options 4.1.6 is available for download. The new version of the image editor offers performance improvements and new features.

Paint.NET is the famous image editing application for Windows computers. If offers intuitive features and is easy to learn to handle. In order to handle multiple images easily: is one of our favorite image editors. We use other image editors like GIMP as well, but Paint.NET offers all functionalities we need for simple use cases, e.g. editing a screenshot or image.

The new version 4.1.6 was released on March 18, 2019 officially and it is the first release of 2019.


The new version 4.1.6 comes with several new features with a focus on compatibility in high-resolution environments. Other new features improve the save functionality. High-resolution icons were redone according to the changelog to offer better scaling support and to match Microsoft Office guidelines. Users who open multiple images Paint.NET regularly find a new useful "Save All". You may also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Alt-S.

If you have Paint.NET already installed on your Windows computer, select Preferences > Updates > Check Now to check manually check for the available update to get your update download automatically.

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