KeePass 2.52 update available

Offers enhancements for the user interface and integration among other minor new features.

The password manager KeePass has been released for download in version 2.52.

KeePass version 2.52 offers a number of new features and improvements, including the addition of support for importing 1Password 8.7 1 PUX files, a Sticky Password XML import and a Steganos Password Manager CSV import.

Furthermore, KeePass now checks the KeePass.exe.config file and displays a warning message if a problem is found. The software also offers carious UI text improvements, various code optimizations and minor other improvements. The complete changelog can be found here.

Users of the classic edition of KeePass can still find version 1.40.1 for download, as KeePass version 1 and 2 differ greatly in functionality.

You can download KeePass from the official website.

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