Chrome update patches two security vulnerabilities
Chrome users should update their brwoser, because the vulnerabilities are serious.
Google has released a new update for its browser Chrome this week to 75.0.3770.142 for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Version 75.0.3770.142 resolves two vulnerabilities Google classified as "medium" and "high." Users should upgrade to the new version immediately. An update for the Linux version of Chrome will follow in the coming days and weeks.
The high-security vulnerability CVE-2019-5847 gives attackers a hacking point for DDoS attacks that can crash the browser. The second vulnerability CVE-2019-5848 relates to the size of fonts used in the browser. According to Google, third parties could use this point of attack to expose and steal sensitive information.
A list of all changes is available here.
Desktop users can check manually for the available update and install the update right away. The browser should display version 75.0.3770.142 after the update has been installed on the About Chrome page. Don't forget to restart the browser to complete the update process!