UpdateStar Packs in 2023
Find out how to easily equip a new computer with software - and keep it up to date.

Whenever you have to set up software for a new computer, it is a pain to remember, find and download the software you need. UpdateStar Packs are a complete time-saver!
UpdateStar has come up with software collections named Packs. These Packs are collections of must-have or can-have, as you like, software you can easily download and install on your new computer.
The UpdateStar Packs are software collections with top-rated essential programs - always up to date thanks to UpdateStar Premium Edition.
Hint: Get an UpdateStar Premium trial license here.
How to import a software collection
You can find the collection of available Packs here for download: https://client.updatestar.com/en/updatestar/packs/
The Packs are basically a list of software titles to be imported into the UpdateStar client. This way of quickly getting a complete and up to date software setup is simply intriguing, because it allows a pain-free setup of a complete standard computer software environment. And UpdateStar will add more Packs in the future.
You simply download a Pack and import it to the UpdateStar client and search for updates. The UpdateStar database delivers all necessary and up to date downloads. Now you can start to download each software and install these titles afterwards. It is that easy!
Please note: This is a Premium Edition feature
You can download the UpdateStar client software here.
If you want to test the UpdateStar Premium Edition features, feel free to request a free trial license here. You will receive it immediately in your email inbox.