Updates for Chromium-based browsers available based on Chromium 107
Google has fixed a vulnerability in Chrome 107 and other Chromium-based browsers have now followed with updates.

Important updates for Chromium-based browsers are available. Google has fixed a 0-day vulnerability in Chrome 107. The manufacturers of other Chromium-based browsers have since followed with their updates.
On October 27 Google released the first security update for its Chrome 107 browser with version 107.0.5304.87/88 to fix a vulnerability (CVE-2022-3723) in the browser. Brave, Microsoft (Edge), Opera and Vivaldi reacted quickly and also released updates that fix this vulnerability.
Vivaldi omits the odd Chromium versions like 107. Instead, Vivaldi relies on the Extended Stable Channel of Chromium generation 106. Its version 106.0.5249.169 is up to date and is in Vivaldi 5.5.2805.42 from October 28.
Brave released an update to browser version 1.45.116 on October 28. It is based on Chromium version 107.0.5304.91, which is even newer than the version used in Chrome.
Although Opera 93 is based on Chromium 107, it is not even in the beta test stage yet, but still in the Developer Channel. After all, the Opera developers picked out the fix for the vulnerability CVE-2022-3723 and delivered it with Opera version 92.0.4561.33 on October 28. However, this Opera version is still based on Chromium 106.0.5249.119, so it should still contain several older security vulnerabilities.
October 29, Microsoft released an update to Edge 107.0.1418.26. It contained Chromium 107.0.5304.87 and fixed the vulnerability CVE-2022-3723 in Edge as well.