Try a free UpdateStar Pack to setup standard software in 2024
The easy way to equip a new computer with software.

Setting up software on a new computer can be a tedious and time-consuming task. Remembering, locating, and downloading all the necessary programs often feels like a chore. That’s why UpdateStar has introduced a game-changing solution: software collections known as Packs, utilizing their proprietary .xus file format. These Packs streamline the process, making it effortless to equip a new computer with all the essential software you need.
The UpdateStar Packs are curated collections of top-rated, essential programs, meticulously maintained to stay up-to-date with the help of UpdateStar Premium Edition.
For more details on the UpdateStar client software, click here.
Effortless Software Setup with .xus Packs
Discover the Packs here for download, offering a simple and efficient way to find and install up-to-date, essential software on your computer. Each Pack is tailored to specific user needs, making the setup of a fully equipped computer both quick and hassle-free. With just a few clicks, you can import a Pack into the UpdateStar client, check for updates, and download all the necessary software. It’s as easy as that!
Export Your Personal Software Setup
Want to carry your personal software environment over to a new computer? With the UpdateStar Premium Edition software client, you can easily export your setup and replicate it whenever you need.
Premium Features Await
Please note that the Packs feature is exclusive to the Premium Edition. If you’d like to experience these features firsthand, you can request a free trial license here and receive it instantly via email.