Microsoft Edge browser version 97.0.1072.55 update available
The update eliminates Chromium vulnerabilities as well as Edge-specific glitches.

With the update to the new main version Chrome 97, Google has fixed a number of vulnerabilities. Several manufacturers of other Chromium-based browsers have now reacted to eliminate the security glitches as well.
With the update to Chrome 97.0.4692.71 on January 4, Google fixed 37 vulnerabilities in its browser. Among them is CVE-2022-0096, a security vulnerability classified as critical, but not a 0-day vulnerability. Several manufacturers of Chromium-based browsers have now provided corresponding security updates. So far, this has been the case for Microsoft Edge and Brave. Opera and Vivaldi updates are not available yet.
Shortly after Google released Chrome 97, Microsoft found it necessary to publish a notice that one was aware of it and was working on an Edge update. The new Edge version 97.0.1072.55, based on Chromium 97.0.4692.71, has been available since January 6th. In addition to the Chromium vulnerabilities, Microsoft has also eliminated five Edge-specific vulnerabilities. Three of these loopholes (CVE-2022-21929 to - 21931) are suitable for injecting and executing code.
The Brave browser has been available in the new version 1.34.80 since January 6, which, like the current Chrome version, is based on Chromium 97.0.4692.71. Opera has already made a beta version (83.0.4254.14) of its browser available for beta testers, which contains the current Chromium version.