How to streamline your Windows start-up in 2024
Identify the biggest time wasters and eliminate them.

The time it takes a computer to start up depends on the number and type of startup programs. We show you how to identify the biggest time wasters first and then eliminate them.
The start-up brings a bit of convenience to everyday computer life by having Windows automatically start all the services and programs that are required for comfortable, problem-free and safe operation. For example, virus protection, hard disk monitoring or something else is activated immediately with the startup.
On the other hand, of course, you do not always start all the software that is installed on the computer. This would both lengthen the boot time considerably and slow down the entire operation unnecessarily. And each program needs memory space and creates access to the hard disk. So it is about finding the right balance between the two extremes, starting nothing or everything.
Check your start-up programs
Many applications set themselves up during setup so that at least partial functions are available immediately after the system is started.
Examples are update checks, graphics card utilities or synchronization with cloud storage. Start-ups are useful if you actually use a program regularly. In this case, you will probably be happy to accept a few seconds of delay. If, on the other hand, a program is rarely used, it is better to prevent start-up.
You can manage the start-ups within Windows using the System configuration tool installed as standard. It allows to determine what Windows starts automatically.
To check the Windows services press the Win + R key combination, type msconfig, and click OK. Switch to the Services tab. Check Hide all Microsoft services. You will now only see services that do not belong to Windows, that is, they were subsequently added to the computer during a software installation. Check which services in the list are unnecessary for you and remove the check in front of the respective entry. If in doubt, search for the service name on the Internet to find out what features require a service.
Now switch to the Start-up tab and click on Open Task Manager. Choose the Deactivate status in the right-click context menu for every startup program you do not want to use. Via Search online you can get information about the respective entry from the Internet.
The fewer programs Windows starts automatically, the faster the system runs.