Adobe Flash Player update available

The update fixes a security vulnerability classified as critical.

Adobe published only one update with the October Patch Day. Adobe has fixed a security vulnerability in Flash Player that has been identified as critical. The new version is available for all platforms (Windows, macOS and Linux) as well as for the Flash Player integrated in Internet Explorer, Edge and Chrome.

The CVE-2020-9746 vulnerability affects all previous versions of Flash Player. To exploit them, an attacker would have to insert special character strings into an HTTP response, which is normally delivered TLS-encrypted. If successful, he can smuggle in and execute any code.

This may already be the last update for the Flash Player. The Flash Player will be discontinued at the end of 2020. It is rarely needed on the web - at most for older browser games and websites that have not been updated. Adobe now wants to regularly display prompts to uninstall Flash Player. However, if you follow this, you will not get rid of the Flash Player integrated in Edge, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome in this way. The browser manufacturers will do this by the end of the year.

Read more about the update in the Adobe Security Bulletin.

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