Security update for Chrome 84 available
The developers closed eight security vulnerabilities with the new version.

The new Chrome version 84.0.4147.105 for Windows, macOS and Linux as well as for Android eliminates eight vulnerabilities in the browser. The Chrome Release Blog lists the vulnerabilities that have been discovered by external security researchers and reported to Google. Google classifies these gaps as high risks.
Said weak point is in the Javascript engine V8, which can be confused with incorrect or missing type declarations. Another three vulnerabilities are UAF (Use After Free) vulnerabilities. They relate to the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), the handling of cascading style sheets (CSS) and the still very young WebUSB interface, through which devices can be connected directly to the Internet. There is also a buffer overflow in the open-source 2D graphics library Skia. As always, Google remains silent about the internally found vulnerabilities.