The best secure data deletion tools in 2023
Because erotic pictures, confidential emails or personal documents should sometimes permanently deleted safely. Or even the entire hard drive.

When you delete files on a Windows computer, the operating system simply moves the deleted files to the trash bin. These files can easily be restored. Even after emptying the trash bin, these files can be restored. This can be done with specialized tools such as O&O MediaRecovery. You can easily recover accidentally deleted media files.
Such software can be used to scan hard drives, USB sticks, or SD memory cards. That is why it is highly recommended to safely delete data by using software tools for safe deletion of data. These deletion tools work by overwriting the selected files with random data and multiple times using different methods. Only by overwriting a recovery becomes impossible or at least extremely complex.
In order to prevent the data from being reconstructed, the Abylon Shredder overwrites the data up to a maximum of 35 times depending on the shredder level set (Peter Gutmann method). An additional option is the cleaning of the not used disk between the files, the so-called freespace and clustertip. Also your Internet traces, as the History, the Cookies or the Cache can deleted irrevocably. And if you sell or dispose your computer, then also all files on all drives can be wipe in one step. The function abylon PASTE optimise the copy and move operation of files and folders. In case of the moving, the source files are wipe automatically.
East-Tec Eraser
The tool also permanently deletes visited websites, unwanted cookies, chat room conversations, deleted mail messages and temporary files. Protect your data and privacy and remove all evidence of your computer and online activity with east-tec Eraser. The product meets and exceeds government and industry standards for the permanent erasure of digital information and removes every trace of sensitive data from your computer, including Internet history, Web pages, pictures, unwanted cookies, conversations, and all traces of files, confidential documents, e-mails deleted in the past, or entire drives, floppy disks, CDs/DVDs, USB flash drives.
ArchiCrypt Shredder
Securely deleting files is not quite as easy as it appears at first. The operating system does not really remove the data; references to the content are simply removed and it is easy to reconstruct this data using the appropriate program. ArchiCrypt Shredder deletes sensitive data so completely that it is impossible to reconstruct it using software (lab-tested). Special functions like deleting free space, cleaning cluster tips (fragments at the end of a file that cannot be deleted and which may contain sensitive data), monitoring online connections, and automatically removing Internet surfing traces are centrally accessible in the ArchiCrypt Shredder user interface. Using the scheduler, specified deletions can be timed and carried out later.
HDShredder also supports Firewire and SATA II media in the deletion campaigns. It is intended for temporary and free use cases. For more frequent or professional use, we recommend you to use one of the higher editions, as they offer higher speed, broader hardware support and further options for regular and professional usage.
O&O SafeErase Professional Edition
The tool overwrites the disk in up to 35 runs in different ways with random data.
What happens to your old computer or hard drive when you get a new one? Do you return your company's computers to the leasing company or even sell your laptop on the Internet? In that case, there are good chances that complete strangers might gain access to your private pictures, letters or business secrets.
The fact of the matter is, data deleted using Windows is not really deleted! Unauthorized persons can still recover your digital pictures as well as your personal and company data, even if you formatted the disk beforehand. Surfing the Internet leaves its mark as well: On the basis of the Internet browsing history stored on your computer, it's easy to generate an accurate profile of your preferences, see the pages you've visited, and even scan the files you've downloaded. Protect yourself by using O&O SafeErase to permanently delete all data from your hard disk using scientifically recognized methods.
The analysis tool of O&O SafeErase lets you track down and immediately remove all the files that are a security risk on your computer. What's more, data from SSDs can now be permanently deleted as well using methods that go sparingly on resources. Never take chances with your data: SafeErase it!
Eraser deletes on demand or via the scheduler. With On Demand, the user selects the data to be overwritten and can start the deletion process immediately. Folders are added to the scheduler that have to be emptied regularly.
Secure Eraser
Secure Eraser uses the most renowned method of data disposal and overwrites sensitive information in such a sure way that it can never be retrieved – even with specialized software. Our multiple award-winning solutions for definitively destroying data also eliminate any cross-references that could leave traces of deleted files in the allocation table of your hard drive.
This easy-to-use Windows software will overwrite sensitive data even up to 35 times – regardless of whether they are files, folders, drives, recycle bin or traces of surfing. You can also delete files that have already been deleted, but this time for good.
Secure Eraser not only overwrites using random data, it offers the approved US Dod 5220.22-ME and U.S. DoD 5220.22-MECE standards from the US Department of Defense, the German industrial standard and the Peter Gutmann standard. All deletions are logged in details upon request.