NVIDIA driver update 466.11 fixes security vulnerabilities
NVIDIA users should install the updates as soon as possible.

The latest version 466.11 of the GeForce drivers from Nvidia are available for download. This update is important, because it fixes critical security vulnerabilities and fixes technical errors. With the old driver versions, attackers were able to create a Denial-of-Service state, manipulate files or circumvent security measures.
The game-ready driver from Nvidia allows you to optimize the graphics settings for several hundred game titles with just a few clicks. Version 466.11 offers optimal performance for games like Mortal Shell.
A detailed overview of all changes and new features can be found in the official release notes for the GeForce 466.11 driver. (PDF document)
Update offers better performance
Not only are errors in the interaction of the individual hardware components or software problems corrected, but the performance of your installed Nvidia graphics card is also optimized. It makes perfect sense to keep your graphics card drivers up to date. You can usually update the patch directly using the Nvidia software on your computer.
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