
Update your Google Chrome browser, because of high risk security flaw

Google advises users to make sure their Chrome browsers have the latest version.

Google highly recommends users to update their Chrome browsers as attackers are exploiting a bug currently.

Google Chrome can usually auto-update quickly in the background, but due to the current urgency of the thread you may want to make sure you are running the latest version of Chrome right now, because the company says a zero-day vulnerability is being actively exploited now.

If you are running stable Chrome versions, the latest update should install as version 72.0.3626.121 including the fix.

Justin Schuh, Google’s Chrome engineering and security desktop lead, tweeted recently that everyone should update their Chrome browser right this minute.

About Author

I can say that the Internet serves as an integral part of my life for over twenty years. It has provided me with the opportunity to embark on self-guided exploration across a myriad of subjects and continually enhance my personal growth. In 2017 I became an editor at UpdateStar. I am specialized in software reviews, tutorials and news with an emphasis on privacy and security. As a person I love to travel, enjoy music, indulge in adorable kitty videos and waste time on my favorite streaming platforms.

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