
Uninstall programs with the best uninstallers of 2023

These tools help to uninstall programs that are no longer needed.

When you install programs on your computer they write data in many different folders, create shortcuts and so on. You lose oversight and unused folders and data clutter your storage. This does not only steal valuable storage space, the huge data salad can make the search process for files unnecessarily difficult. This is where Uninstallers come into play. These are programs, which are often free, that help you as a user to fight the clutter.

Uninstallers do different things when cleaning up on your computer. Some analyze the complete computer and track down all parts of the program data. Others take snapshots of the system before a program is installed. If the user deletes a program, the uninstaller compares the system snapshots before and after to filter all program components left over.

IObit Uninstaller

If you want to delete programs completely and without traces, then use the free IObit Uninstaller.

IObit Uninstaller on UpdateStar | Download

Revo Uninstaller

With the Revo Uninstaller, you can remove unwanted and unnecessary software quickly and reliable.

Revo Uninstaller on UpdateStar | Download

Absolute Uninstaller

The free Absolute Uninstaller tool removes programs without residue from the system.

Absolute Uninstaller on UpdateStar | Download

Smarty Uninstaller

Where uninstall options of a program fail, the Smarty Uninstaller will help you.

Smarty Uninstaller on UpdateStar | Download

Uninstall Cleaner

The free Uninstall Cleaner uninstalles programs just like the Windows uninstaller, but offers far more information.

Uninstall Cleaner on UpdateStar | Download

Total Uninstall

Total Uninstall logs any installation of a program, so it can be removed without any leftovers.

Total Uninstall on UpdateStar | Download

Advanced Uninstaller Pro

The Installation Monitor included in the program can watch all the actions that a program performs on your computer while it installs.

Advanced Uninstaller Pro on UpdateStar | Download

Developers of uninstallers sometimes claim that their programs are more thorough than the Windows Uninstaller. The Revo Uninstaller, for example, claims to also be able to perform uninstallations of programs where Windows aborts with an error message.

About Author

I am a technology writer for UpdateStar, covering software, security, and privacy as well as research and innovation in information security. I worked as an editor for German computer magazines for more than a decade before starting to be a team member at UpdateStar.

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