
New Chrome update closes 13 vulnerabilities

Google has released a security update for Chrome 80. The next Chrome version 81 was actually announced for this week.

Google postponed the publication of the next major version Chrome 81, which was announced for March 17, indefinitely. Instead, Google now released Chrome 80.0.3987.149 for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android for additional security updates for Chrome 80.

Google closes 13 vulnerabilities with this update in Chrome. The Chrome Release Blog lists nine vulnerabilities that were discovered by external security researchers and reported to Google. Google classifies all nine gaps as high risk.

The browsers Edge (Chromium), Vivaldi and Opera, all also based on the open source Chromium, should also receive updates in the next few days.

Usually, the auto-update mechanism in Chrome will automatically bring the new version to your system within the next few days. If you can no longer wait, get Chrome 80.0.3987.149 on your devices right away with our download.

About Author

I am a technology writer for UpdateStar, covering software, security, and privacy as well as research and innovation in information security. I worked as an editor for German computer magazines for more than a decade before starting to be a team member at UpdateStar.

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