
Firefox 102 update available

The new version fixes 19 vulnerabilities.

With the new browser version Firefox 102, Mozilla fixes 19 vulnerabilities. Security updates are also available for Firefox ESR and Thunderbird.

Mozilla has released Firefox 102.0 as well as Firefox ESR 102.0 and Firefox ESR 91.11.0. The developers fixed security vulnerabilities and other bugs. In Firefox users can now choose not to open the download panel with every new download. There are also improvements for users who use a screen reader.

The update to Firefox 102 fixes 19 security vulnerabilities, of which Mozilla identifies four as high risk. Another 11 vulnerabilities are classified as medium risk and four as low risk. Mozilla only lists vulnerabilities found internally without specifying their number. According to Mozilla, some of these could potentially be exploited to inject and execute code. Attacks on Firefox vulnerabilities are currently not known.

The Firefox ESR 91.11.0 update fixes nine vulnerabilities, four or more of which are considered high risk. These are essentially the same vulnerabilities fixed in Firefox 102. An updated Tor Browser based on Firefox ESR 91.11.0 is not yet available, but will be available in the next few days.

Firefox ESR 102.0 is initially identical to the Firefox 102. The new ESR generation now has all functionality that have been gradually added to normal Firefox over the past 12 months. But in the next 12 months, Mozilla will again only deliver security updates and important bug fixes.

Ten vulnerabilities have been fixed in the new version 91.11.0 of the Thunderbird mail program, mainly those that the mail program inherited from Firefox. Firefox code is used for HTML processing, among other things. There are also some bug fixes.

If you have already installed Firefox, it is best to use the update function integrated in Firefox. This will automatically provide you with the update Firefox 102 as soon as it is available for your Firefox.

About Author

I am a technology writer for UpdateStar, covering software, security, and privacy as well as research and innovation in information security. I worked as an editor for German computer magazines for more than a decade before starting to be a team member at UpdateStar.

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