New Chrome versions 116.0.5845.187/188 for Windows available
The update fixes critical security vulnerability.

In the Chrome Releases blog, Google warns that they have encountered circulating exploit code tailored to a security vulnerability they have classified as critical (CVE-2023-4863).
The vulnerability affects Google's WebP image format. Attackers are said to be able to trigger memory errors (heap buffer overflow) in a way that is not described in detail. This usually leads to malicious code getting onto systems and attackers completely compromising computers. And Google is aware that an exploit for CVE-2023-4863 exists in the wild.
The developers claim to have fixed this vulnerability in Chrome versions 116.0.5845.187/188 for Windows and 116.0.5845.187 for Linux and macOS, which will roll out over the coming days/weeks.
To ensure that the browser is already running in the latest version, just click on the settings menu, which can be found to the right of the address bar under the icon with the three stacked dots, and then click Help - About Google Chrome.
The version dialog shows the currently running version of the browser and starts the update process if available. At the end, the dialog prompts you to restart the web browser.