
UpdateStar 14 Premium license in April for free

Users can request a $34.95 license for free. Promotion ends on April 25, 2023.

As a part of the spring 2023 promotion UpdateStar currently offers a free UpdateStar 14 Premium Edition ($34.95) license to all users.

Users can find the registration page here.

Award-winning UpdateStar Premium puts an end to wasted time searching for possible updates or insecure software links and insecure downloads. The UpdateStar team verifies downloads and links for you. This way you are assured to only get secure downloads from original and trusted sources. UpdateStar already offers the most complete and trusted software database world-wide.

Outdated software can lead to problems and system crashes and may lack features you can find in up to date versions of your software. Old software can even leave you vulnerable to attacks from outside as the constant news flow about newly found vulnerability leaks in software applications shows. UpdateStar puts a stop to that! As soon as a new version is available, UpdateStar lets you know automatically, and you can decide, if you want the update or not! The Free delivers major updates. UpdateStar Premium adds 20 times more updates, upgrades and downloads on a 24x7 basis.

Giveaway Details

How to get the license key?

The license key will be sent automatically via email within minutes after registration.

Feature Highlights

  • Stay up to date and secure with your software
  • Secure and verified downloads without advertising
  • Protects against outdated software on your computer
  • Enhance your Add or Remove Programs experience
  • Import complete software snapshots
  • Export software setups
  • Security analysis and security levels
  • Minor software upgrade and patches information
  • 24×7 scheduling capabilities

About Author

I am a technology writer for UpdateStar, covering software, security, and privacy as well as research and innovation in information security. I worked as an editor for German computer magazines for more than a decade before starting to be a team member at UpdateStar.

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