
How to easily check a suspicious file with 72 virus scanners

You probably use a virus scanner on your Windows computer. But sometimes a second opinion can help. The free tool Winja helps to check files with 72 virus scanners.

Virus scanners are not perfect. In rare cases they might miss filtering and detecting a malware. If you are unsure, if a file is malicious you should seek a second opinion. The free tool Winja scans allows to scan files by using 72 virus scanning engines. The software achieves this by using the online check at VirusTotal.

You can install Winja or use their portable version. Select Browse for File to select a file and send it to the online service VirusTotal. The Winja service works by uploaded the files to the VirusTotal online service for review. If everything is ok, Winja displays a message, otherwise you will receive a warning.

You can additionally analyze downloads and processes using Winja. The Extra Tools section needs admin rights and launches a task manager. You can retrieve details about processes or have processes checked.

About Author

I am a technology writer for UpdateStar, covering software, security, and privacy as well as research and innovation in information security. I worked as an editor for German computer magazines for more than a decade before starting to be a team member at UpdateStar.

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