
Firefox 82.0.1 update fixes causes of crashes

Mozilla has released a bug fix release for its browser which eliminates several errors.

Mozilla has reacted to problems which occurred after the release of Firefox 82 and released a bugfix release with Firefox 82.0.1. According to the Release Notes, this update solves a problem that required an unnecessary restart on Windows computers. The update also fixes printing problems and improves stability by eliminating a cause of crashes.

Mozilla made Firefox 82.0 available for installation on October 21 via the official download page and via the update routine integrated in the Firefox browser. The Firefox 82 Release Notes explain all changes and improvements.

One focus in Firefox 82 was on improving the playback of videos in the browser. The developers have redesigned and repositioned the button for the picture-in-picture function. This should make it easier for users to find and use this button. Windows users who watch videos in Firefox on a mobile device should benefit from reduced battery usage.

Firefox should also work faster overall, both when loading pages and when starting. In addition, Mozilla had fixed several security vulnerabilities in Firefox with Firefox 82.0.

You can read more about Firefox 82 here in the recent New Firefox 82 available news.

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I am a technology writer for UpdateStar, covering software, security, and privacy as well as research and innovation in information security. I worked as an editor for German computer magazines for more than a decade before starting to be a team member at UpdateStar.

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