Chromium-based browser updates available based on Chrome 91
After the first Chrome 91 security update other Chromium-based browsers now followed with their own updates as well.

Google released the first security update for Chrome 91 on June 9. With this version 91.0.4472.101, Google eliminated 14 vulnerabilities with seven classified as high risk and one classified as critical. Google also fixed a 0-day vulnerability.
Now important manufacturers of Chromium-based browsers followed with updates, and provide updates for Brave, Vivaldi and Microsoft Edge. Opera takes a little longer.
The fastest update came from Vivaldi only two days after the Chrome update. The current version Vivaldi 4.0.2312.27 from June 13 is already the successor to the secured version. It is based on Chromium 91.0.4472.102. Microsoft and Brave released updates after three days. Both Microsoft 91.0.864.48 and Brave 1.25.72 use the same Chromium substructure as Google Chrome.