
New Firefox 82 available

Offers new features for videos, tabs and downloads.

Firefox 82 takes on several topics related to video, contributes a new function for tabs and is more restrictive against malware downloads.

The new Firefox 82 is available for download. A standard feature is that graphics acceleration is automatically activated on more and more systems using WebRender technology. At least under Windows, Nvidia graphics cards with older drivers on operating systems that are not entirely up-to-date are now also considered. But that is not the only new feature in Firefox 82.

Firefox 82 brings various new features around videos. What many users should be happy about is that Microsoft's DirectComposition component is used when playing videos under Windows, which optimizes the use of CPU and GPU and hopefully saves performance on the bottom line. In addition, the media session interface is activated, which should make it easier to control videos and music in the browser.

Firefox 82 also brings a new button for the picture-in-picture mode. This is still unknown to many Firefox users. Now it is clearly highlighted with a mouse-over effect and even displayed with a small description. A mouse click then releases the video from the page and it can be placed anywhere on the desktop.

What's new

Send tabs are a useful function is to use the Firefox Account Toolbar to send tabs to other devices that are using the same Firefox account. What is new is that there is now also a way to manage these devices.

Standard browser: So far, Firefox has annoyed users with its own popup and asks whether you want to make Firefox the standard browser. Here Mozilla is testing new ways that are less intrusive. So you currently get the option to make Firefox the default browser, displayed once on the new tab page.

Download lock: Firefox has been stopping malicious downloads, such as files on a malware blacklist, for a long time. The download protection is now being expanded. Firefox 82 also slows down automatic downloads from iFrames in sandbox mode, which can be used for drive-by attacks.

Websites that use flexbox-based layouts load 20% faster than before. Restoring a session is 17% quicker, meaning you can more quickly pick up where you left off. For Windows users, opening new windows got quicker by 10%.

About Author

I am a technology writer for UpdateStar, covering software, security, and privacy as well as research and innovation in information security. I worked as an editor for German computer magazines for more than a decade before starting to be a team member at UpdateStar.

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